Sorry it's been a while since I wrote in my blog, It has been a very busy couple weeks. Cars and Trucks are moving fast at work and the auto market in Detroit Lakes at Norseman Motors is definitely not hurting. if you know anyone looking for a pre-owned vehicle get them ahold of me soon, we are seeing the best pricing in 37 years for pre-owned vehicles- even those cheapo tin cans that conserve gas are a good buy right now.
On the home front, Grace is a communicating up a storm, she had her first sled ride outside last weekend when it was above zero. She can reach things on the counter and lets us know what she wants. OK, Help, More, Thanks you, Please, Mommy, Daddy are her favorite words. She points out all her aunts and uncles in pictures and knows each piece of furniture by name. She is a little tape recorder!! We have to be careful what we say because she attempts repeating everything- tonight the floor was DIRTY (sounded like Durrrtty durrty)
Jen has been busy at work too. she was on cal this weekend and I worked Sat so Grace spent Sat at Grandma wicks and had a blast!!
I am looking forward to going out with Jen's friends this coming Sat to Zorbaz in D.L. I totally want a Jose Zorbaz pizza- Man, I can taste it now!!
I made Shepards pie (hot dish)for supper and I ate way too much!
Grace just fell asleep, she usually talks for 20 minutes after we lay her down.
The weather is way to cold!
Yesterday after got home from work I has a Frazee fire department call for a roll over less than half Mile from our house so I had Jen run upstairs and grab some blankets and I headed for the rollover. One other firefighter and I were the first ones there, The driver was pinned in the vehicle, so I helped with keeping his neck in one position and trying to keep him warm (30 below windchill!!) The rest of the fire dept and EMS showed up and we got him out. I was FROZEN. But it looked like he and his girlfriend will make it. That is as close as I ever want an accident to my house.
Just a reminder to all- don't drink then drive, and please slow down the roads are slippery!!